BPS 2435E

SKU: BPS 2435020E

Ball valve ductile iron, brass ball, flanged

DN: 20
PN | VOLTAGE: 16 | 230VAC
Sale price0 kr

Ductile iron ball valve designed for water and sewage. 2-pc design. Blow-out proof stem. The ball is made of chrome-plated brass. The valve has an ISO 5211 flange for direct mounting of actuators. It can be controlled with both electric and pneumatic actuator. Full bore flow. Face-to-face: EN558/1 ISO 5752. The electric acuator is available with 230VAC, 24VAC or 24 VDC.


Body: Ductile iron GGG40
Ball: Chrome-plated brass
Seat: PTFE
Connection: Flanged
Temp: -10°C – +100°C 

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