BPS 2436E

SKU: BPS 2436020E

Ball valve ductile iron, ball stainless steel, flanged

DN: 20
PN | VOLTAGE: 16 | 230VAC
Sale price0 kr

Ductile iron ball valve designed for water and sewage. 2-pc design. Blow-out proof stem. The ball is made of stainless steel. The valve has an ISO 5211 flange for direct mounting of actuators. It can be controlled with both electric and pneumatic actuator. Full bore flow. Face-to-face: EN558/1 ISO 5752. The electric acuator is available with 230VAC, 24VAC eller 24VDC.


Body: Ductile iron GGG40
Ball: Stainless steel AISI316
Seal: PTFE
Connection: Flanged
Temp:  -10°C – +100°C

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