BPS 7900

SKU: BPS 7900040

2-way function double chamber air relief valve ductile iron

DN: 40
PN: 16
Sale price0 kr

A 2-way vent valve in ductile iron. 2-stage design that allows large venting when filling the pipe system and a large air intake when emptying the pipe system. The vent valve also vents compressed air in a pressurized pipe system and lets in air in case of negative pressure. Intended for clean water and drinking water. The valve has a built-in function test. Manufactured and tested according to ISO 5208:2015. Flanged connection according to EN 1092-2.


House: Ductile iron, GGG 40
Float: EPDM - Coated steel ball
Sealing ring: EPDM
Temp: 20°C (16 bar)


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